Sunday, September 23, 2012

Rachel and Ramparts Lakes

Mai, Stu and I hiked to Rachel and Rampart Lakes in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness on September 3, 2012.  The trail is about 11 miles round trip, gaining the majority of the elevation before Rachel Lake.  I highly recommend this hike! The lakes are beautiful and the distance and elevation gain a perfect for a relaxed day of hiking with fantastic payoff without summiting a peak :)

 man those are some fun-guys

Stu! by some classic cascade cascades


Gray Jay at Rachel Lake

Rachel Lake from the "trail" above
I seem to have a propensity for taking "trails" that are more or less un-used...
Though a lot lead to great views like the photo above and below!

Mai! at the end of an exploratory "trail" 

Ramparts Lakes 

Rampart Lakes, Hibox Peak right of center 

Rachel Lakes and Hibox Peak 

Stu and Mai 

 Hibox Peak

 Creek bed on the way to Rampart Lakes

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